Been Quiet

And about to become much quieter.


So the last two days have been spent reevaluating just where this writing in the dark is taking me.  (Have I mentioned how much I dislike NOT working from an outline?)  I got to the point where I was writing this scene and thinking…but I don’t need this.  I should mention that it had taken me about two days of NOT getting that scene done for me to realize that.

Which, of course, made me question where I was going; if the idea I had when I started would work.

Short answer: it still does.  Long answer: I have to change how I get there.

The last day or so have been spent figuring that out (as well as doing a lot of housekeeping stuff because we’re heading out on a trip soon and I’ll be VERY quiet for about two weeks).  Do I have it all?  No.  Do I have most of what I need?  I think so.

Is the husband militating that I should write an outline?  He is.  Will I?  Maybe so.  I have a lot of downtime on a plane, after all.  Might be worth just knuckling down and writing some barebones stuff, just to keep the ideas fresh.

Yesterday was spent thinking and jotting notes.  Today was spent packing and then freezing vegetables I won’t be able to use up before we leave.  Tomorrow, back to writing; I should be able to finish a chapter before I go.

Stay Dead (started 5/05; Days 1-4, false start)

Day 1: 1000                 Day 23-26: 9450
Day 2: 1200                 Day 27: (novella) 2000
Day 3: 1800                 Day 28: 2500
Day 4: 1350                  Day 29-32: 8850
Day 5: 1000
Day 6: 2000
Day 7-10: ~4500
Day 11-12: ~5000
Day 13: 1600
Day 14: 2300
Day 15-17: 4450
Day 18-19: 4500
Day 20-22: 5220

Blog Post: 540
What I’m Watching:
The last episode of this season’s The Americans.  Crap.  I hate knowing how this all ends.  Also tried getting through another Who (about Van Gogh) and just didn’t have it in me to get excited.  But I was also grumpy and, actually, yesterday, I swam, so there was no Who at all.  Today, I opted for a few episodes of Humans, the first episode of which I’d watched before, and liked.  It’s still pretty good.  Kind of … predictable?  But any excuse to watch William Hurt is a good one.
What I’m Reading:
Finally settling into Finders Keepers.  It’s not bad.  Not great.  Kind of silly, in a way, but since I’ll probably end up reading End of Watch, I figured I might as well.  (Not that I thought Mr. Mercedes was all that terrific; Bradley was a silly villain, and not all that believable–and of course, everyone’s problems go back to their nasty mother, right?)
What I’m Listening to:
Not much; news folks talking about how hard it is to interview Trump and what their responsibility ought to be.  Also the recycled stuff about Orlando, which is awful–but I agree with Obama and every other politician who’s come out to ask just what kind of nation we want to be.  I don’t care what Marco Rubio decides.  You could have indeed prevented this with tougher gun laws because then the guy would’ve had to resort to something else that might have been a lot less lethal.  The gun laws in this country have to change.

Author: Ilsa

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