A Kinda Sorta Vacation


So the early part of the week was all taken up with life maintenance, and that all just trickled into the rest of the week, pretty much.  By Wednesday night, I was kinda caught up–talk for Thursday night done, the bat thing as under control as it could be until Friday–so I thought, okay, get started on the book.

Except more stuff happened.  I did manage about 2200 works total, but that’s for the week.  I don’t even remember what happened Thursday except I started work, got about 1000 words done, which isn’t too bad for a beginning.  Beginnings are always hard.  Then, Thursday night, I did my talk at the Madison Public Library, which was fun and I think people enjoyed themselves.  I mean, really, who doesn’t love cats and Kirk’s chest?


Let me tell you that Wendy Stephens, whom it turns out I’ve met before at a midwinter ALA event in Chicago two years ago, was just great in terms of intros and getting the crowd going.  She also asked a FABULOUS question, that got me thinking about a new wrinkle for my book.


A lot of fun, and we were at the library until very late.  Then we all headed out for a celebratory beer where I got to hang with local author, Susan McPhail.

IMG_2587And then, you know, it was time to stumble home.  I didn’t finally get to bed until after midnight, which is really, really late for me.  Still, I jolted awake at 6 on Friday because I always get up with the sun.  The bat-guy came to start work: caulked, then attached a one-way bat valve so the animals (theoretically) can go out but not re-enter.  (There’s still a bat or two up there; I’m hearing them as I type.)

Me, I struggled with work.  Got that 1200 words in, but they were terrible, and I know they must die.

Today, I was also going to work even though we got home late AGAIN (out with some friends).  But then the husband wanted to do some fun stuff together so…nu…that’s what we did.  Went to a local wildlife refuge, walked a few of the trails (which were underwhelming but that’s the difference between a PARK and a REFUGE; the latter’s a sanctuary–meaning people can stay away).  Saw some cooters sunning themselves on Flint Creek close by the Tennessee River,

13173246_10208572606408551_3523588828160276468_owandered a cypress swamp that wasn’t terrifically swampy but still interesting,

took a picture of an itty-bitty orbweaver to send a daughter who thinks that killing a spider means setting the house on fire;


and even saw my first osprey in the wild.  Sorry, no picture of that; we were in the car, and by the time I realized what I was seeing, it had flown past.  Didn’t see many other birds, though, but that’s okay.  It was still interesting, though probably only worth coming back to/for in November or so when the whooping cranes comes down to spent part of their winter here.

Then it was to the gym and then home.  Tomorrow, we’ll do the obligatory brunch thing at a funky little place and then maybe I’ll bake a cake or read or whatever.  I can’t decide.  I feel as if I should work…but I’m not sure that taking a bit of a vacation isn’t also a good thing.  (Oh, and I heard back from the editor about that novella thingie; he loved it and wants only minor ditzel changes.  So, yay!)

I don’t think I remember the last time I consciously did nothing.  Let me tell you: it’s quite uncomfortable.


New Novel (started 5/05)

Day 1: 1000
Day 2: 1200

Blog Post: 690

What I’m Watching:
Caught up on The Americans and The Blacklist.  Continuing with Motive.
What I’m Reading:
Ack.  Nothing.  I need to find a thumpingly good read somewhere.
What I’m Listening to:
I started Extreme Prey and then made myself stop. I thought I deserved it as a reward after the novella, but I really don’t and now that I’ve started the new book, I’m worried about messing up my head with narration that doesn’t gibe.

Author: Ilsa

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