Life Maintenance

Which means, in a word: boring and yet strangely frenzied.


Nothing much going on today, and yet there was a lot, all the tasks and errands and bills I’ve let go for the last ten days while writing this story.  I also let a lot of things slide for the month before that while I outlined the latest book.

So, today was catch-up day: bills, errands (blasted out of the house three different times in-between dealing with a new generator and the inspection and then the folks looking into the bat situation.  (They didn’t find anything in the attic, but they still have places on the roof to check as well.  So that’s several more hours tomorrow.)

Whatever. As the husband said, it’s always something.  I felt okay for most of the day, though.  Didn’t stress too much about not writing a speck.  I’ll do another life maintenance tomorrow since not everything got done today.  By Wednesday, though, if I’m not starting to put down words…I’ll probably pop the husband’s eyes out with a melon-baller.  I tend to get pissy when I don’t write.

But here’s what is really killing me: I got another idea for a book, and I’m thinking … maybe I should do this one first instead of the one I outlined.  Then I’m wondering if I’m not overthinking this.


Man, I never even managed a cake this weekend.  OTOH, I did some major word-cranking, so…I guess I can be forgiven.


What I’m Watching:
Motive.   What’s weird is that I’ll have that on the iPod and whatever’s on USA on whatever machine I’m using.  So that way, I’m never bored.  Which is, yes, odd.
What I’m Reading:
I was so exhausted yesterday I simply fell asleep after a page of something I don’t even remember.
What I’m Listening to:
In between losing power and waiting for pest control people to start screaming about bats and such…some early music, mostly Renaissance.  I have a harder time listening to later classical because I tend to pay more attention to the music than using the time to let my mind drift.

Author: Ilsa

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