I once had a training analyst who also happened to be pushing 80 at the time. He is, of course, long dead. He was a gentle guy, a nice soul. He also tended to doze off during our supervisory sessions, so I will be frank: I learned very little, except that getting older wasn’t necessarily great. OTOH, being older sure beat the alternative.
I’m reminded of that now, what with the knee and all. I know what the x-ray showed (or didn’t). Being a doc who actually used to LOOK at x-rays from people like me, I also know that the stress fracture that I am SURE is there doesn’t necessarily show up until several days or even a week or so after the event. (It’s one of the peculiarities of x-rays: the films do not always represent a true snapshot at that point in time. You can, for example, have a pneumonia that won’t show up for almost 48 hours on x-ray. That is also true of a stress fracture.)
Given how much pain I’m in and a gimp I’ve become, I’m willing to bet that a repeat x-ray would probably show the fracture that wasn’t there before (unless the meniscus really is torn, but the pain is really quite pinpoint, and that’s not usual for a tear). But to give you an idea of how bad it is . . . for once, I’m forgoing a Sunday’s Cake. I might make it on Monday, depending. After swimming, though, I honestly feel like lying here with an ice pack and not moving.
I did write, though. Not tons, but some. It’s a start.
Day 1: 1,000
Blog Post: 330
What I’m Watching:
The husband suggested an evening of gorking out, eating leftovers or other assorted junk. I’m there. Probably we’ll see an episode of House of Cards.
What I’m Reading:
A Dream of Polar Fog.
What I’m Listening to:
“If You Can’t Stand the Heat” by Lawrence Block.