So, first off, I missed yesterday night and know why: I finished the outline yesterday and was much more interested in unwinding than revisiting the day, I guess. Or maybe I should blame the Full Windsor we had last night. After one of these babies, you’re pretty mellow.
Anyway, the husband and I had a nice, relaxing Friday night dinner and topped it off with an episode of House of Cards. I’ve already seen the season, but he’s been out of the show for two years now. It’s okay; it’s good enough that I don’t mind seeing it again with him. Mainly, it’s just nice to be together.
But, like I said, I finished the outline–and that is a big deal for me. Do I have every single chapter plotted down to the nth degree? No, but I know the arcs; I know the end; I wrote the last line. So I know where I’m going and finished only two days after I said I would. So that’s good.
Today, I’ve been coasting. I was going to start on a short story I owe (due 5/01), but I just wasn’t in the mood to work. I was in the mood to take a break. In fact, I was in the mood to take a vacation. The last vacation I took, period, was last April (4 days in Boston). So, over a year ago, really.
That’s what I did for most of the day: figured out with the husband where we wanted to go and when. We were thinking of a hiking vacation, but most of the places we’d like to go we’d also be fighting the mosquitoes which are AWFUL in summer around the Lakes, mostly because all the forests are a big boggier there. So we’re thinking now that we’ll do the hiking in September/October and someplace different this June.
So that’s what I did and am still doing. It’s about 2 p.m. here, but I know the rest of the day, I’m coasting. Going to work out. Maybe we’ll get a bite afterward or see a movie. Or snuggle up and watch another episode of House of Cards or something. Just . . . an easy day.
Tomorrow’s soon enough to start the short story. Then, knock that off and start this book in earnest. Now that I know when I’m leaving for a vacation, it helps me budget time.
Now if I can only figure out a TITLE.
(Previously had 1500 in outline)
Day 1: 2400 (outline) Day 11: 500 Day 22: 1000
Day 2: 2400 (outline) Day 12: 1600 Day 23: 2300
Day 3: 2000 (outline) Day 13: 1860 Day 24: 1270
Day 4: 2000 (outline) Day 14: 1800 Day 25/26:0
Day 5: 0 (Nu, I was busy) Day 15: 1750 Day 27: 3550
Day 6: 2400 Day 16: 1400 (dang) Day 28: 1500
Day 7: 1500 Day 17: 1690 Day 29: 1500
Day 8: 0 (but a lot of Day 18: ?250? Day 30: 2200
plotting and reading done)Day 19: 0 Day 31: 2000/DONE!!
Day 9: 1500 Day 20: 2200
Day 10: 1600 Day 21: 2300
Blog Post: 630
What I’m Reading:
A Dream in Fog; White Fang.
What I’m Watching:
The Americans, yesterday. I know there are two episodes of The Blacklist to see, but a) I am tired of the whole Tom/Elizabeth marriage thing and b) I already know what happens. (And, no, I find it inconceivable that Meghan Boone’s leaving the show. You don’t write out a major dynamic in the shoe. She will come back, but with an alias. This will leave the Tom Keene character free to leave the show for the spin-off series planned this fall. Handling the baby issue will be odd, though.) Anyway, I have to decide if I really, really want to see this.
What I’m Listening to:
Took a chance on Audible Channels (the same app that corrupted my memory card) and listened to “The Yellow Wallpaper,” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. I have always wanted to read this, so the listen was nice and very good, too. A trifle weird but good.