The knee was a major reason why. Several nights in a row now with very little sleep and waking up to find the knee locked, very painful. After not hearing back from the internist, I just made a command decision and referred myself.
Got in to see an orthopod this afternoon. His verdict: traumatic inflammation, something just shy of a stress fracture. The knee itself looks good on x-ray except for a single spur that isn’t much to get excited about (so that’s good). Anyway, it’s 6-8 weeks of recovery time, but he does want me to exercise, use NSAIDs, a special anti-inflammatory gel (voodoo, if you ask me, but what the heck). He also wondered if I wanted something stronger for pain, but I declined. That’s why God invented martinis.
Also frittered away time responding to anti-vax idiots. My own fault: when you’re that nutsoid, all you want to do is fight. You certainly don’t want to hear about little things like science and facts. What I’ve also noticed is that the default for most of these people is sarcasm and hostility. They are incapable of having a civilized conversation, and the response is always somewhere along the lines of You’re stupid. Perhaps they are channeling their inner Trump.
Whatever. I said what I had to say and then told the guy/gal that I wouldn’t debate or respond because there was no discussion here: just ranting. But these people are a public health menace.
Oh, and on the Oberlin front: the alumni mag had uplifting pablum. Missing were important voices, like those kids who wrote letters to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. And NO ONE talked about Karega still being there.
Pablum. Still not giving them a nickel.
(Previously had 1500 in outline)
Day 1: 2400 (outline) Day 11: 500 Day 22: 1000
Day 2: 2400 (outline) Day 12: 1600 Day 23: 2300
Day 3: 2000 (outline) Day 13: 1860 Day 24: 1270
Day 4: 2000 (outline) Day 14: 1800 Day 25/26:0
Day 5: 0 (Nu, I was busy) Day 15: 1750 Day 27: 3550
Day 6: 2400 Day 16: 1400 (dang) Day 28: 1500
Day 7: 1500 Day 17: 1690
Day 8: 0 (but a lot of Day 18: ?250?
plotting and reading done)Day 19: 0
Day 9: 1500 Day 20: 2200
Day 10: 1600 Day 21: 2300
Blog Post: 380
What I’m Watching:
Nothing. Swam.
What I’m Reading:
A Dream in Polar Fog by Yuri Rytkheu. <shrug> Still in the beginning and I began it in the orthopod’s office, so …
What I’m Listening to:
Body Snatchers.