I am in a black mood.
Yeah, I wrote. Let’s get that out of the way. Worked on the SF outline most of the day, though it wasn’t my choice to do so; it’s the way the day worked out because I was also dealing with contractor issues. (One of these days, I really WILL be able to do two outlines in one day.)
But I swear to God, I have never, ever met up with more irresponsible people than I have here. Or maybe I’ve just been spoiled for the last 14 years by having an honest, nice guy I could call who did a great job every single damn time, or found someone who could do it for me. He was honest; he came over to help when he didn’t need to; he was all-around excellent.
I have not found that degree of honesty or excellence here. At. All.
Nevertheless…I do have a very sweet and intelligent neighbor who does try to cheer me up at every turn. Today, he and I chatted at the gym about spring (he says it’s not so great in Maine, but–really–spring is beautiful in Wisconsin, I’m sorry) and then our shared concerns for what the hell’s going on with our country. In case you missed it, Trump warned that even if he doesn’t have a majority of delegates, there would be riots if he wasn’t the nominee.
Here’s what I think: Consider what this guy is really saying here: “If you follow the rules and I don’t have enough delegates and this convention is brokered…there will be violence. My supporters will riot.”
In other words: “I get the nomination–or else.”
People, this is simply unacceptable. Those of you in states yet to go to the primaries: for God’s sake, do what you can to defeat this guy even if it means crossing party lines to vote for someone other than Trump.
DEAD MOUNTAIN (placeholder title)
Day 1: 1500 (outline)
Day 2: 0 (outline)
Day 3: 0 (outline)
Day 4: 0 (outline)
(Previously had 1500 in outline)
Day 1: 2400 (outline)
Day 2: 2400 (outline)
Blog Post: 430
What I’m Watching:
Finished Bosch. It surprised me by not exactly ending the way I thought but truly setting up his future move from homicide to cold cases. Okay. Now, next season, you watch: he’ll have his heart attack (cf. Bloodwork).
What I’m Reading:
A Doctor’s Gold Rush Journey to California by Israel Lord. I know: geek city. Nu, it’s research.
What I’m Listening to:
NCAA out of one ear. Not really paying attention.