Really tired today. Didn’t sleep much; kept waking up every couple of hours, grinding my teeth, thinking about the book and wondering why I wasn’t asleep!
So I was a little slower than usual again today. Did get started, though, and managed to plow through a fair amount. Also baked a cake for some very nice folks at the husband’s lab who helped get some old stories off floppies and onto a flash drive. What worries me now is what those documents will look like when I open then. There is a lesson in this, though: when you’re done with a book or story and a couple versions of Word go by? Update the darned thing.
Busy day tomorrow coming up: meeting with some very knowledgeable local guys about some town history. Also offered to stand them a drink after, considering that they’re doing me the favor.
And it’s storming the dickens here. Tornadoes west of us. The only saving grace: It’s rare for a tornado to travel up a mountain.
I need some sleep here. I had fully intended to finish this one section tonight, but I’m bushed.
Dark Side of the Moon
Day 1: 4326 Day 11: 2500 Day 21: 1800 Day 31: 745
Day 2: 2085 Day 12: 500 Day 22: 0 Day 32: 0
Day 3: 3011 Day 13: 1000 Day 23: 2700 Day 33: 4000
Day 4: 2652. Day 14: 3700 Day 24: 3500 Day 34: 2800
Day 5: 3210 Day 15: 5630 Day 25: 1500 Day 35: 4500
Day 6: 3450 Day 16: 1060 Day 26: 0 Day 36: 4800
Day 7: 0 Day 17: 130 Day 27: 0 Day 37: 0
Day 8: 2756 Day 18: 0 Day 28: 380 Day 38: 450
Day 9: 4580 Day 19: 3000 Day 29: 390 Day 39: 1000
Day 10: 2670 Day 20: 2600 Day 30: 380 Day 40: 2500
Day 41: 2600 Day 51: 1000
*Day 42: 830 Day 52: 1600
Day 43: 3600 Day 53: 2600
Day 44: 5000 Day 54: 3600
Day 45: 2600 Day 55: 3200
Day 46: 3000 Day 56: 4000
Day 47: 2800 Day 57: 1200
Day 48: 2500 Day 58-60: 0
Day 49: 1000 Day 61: 3500
Day 50: 4600 Day 62: 3000
Blog Post: 370
What I’m Reading:
Operation Paperclip and The Pentagon’s Brain; I’m kind of alternating because, sometimes, the heavy deluge of facts just becomes mind-numbing–and call me a cad, but I don’t find that I care very much about what ARPA did during Vietnam. I’m much more interested in WWII stuff. (Although the fact that ARPA and then DARPA has been interested in a) nuclear strike capabilities and b) mind control forever is pretty interesting.)
What I’m Watching:
Catching up on The Blacklist. I am ashamed to say that I’ve not seen a single episode of the X-Files reboot. I know; I’m a cad.
What I’m Listening to:
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