

Socked in from the moment I got up, which I guess is sort of a White Christmas.


It rained nonstop.  As in all day, from the moment I woke up to a deep rumble at 4 a.m. and still going strong now, at almost 9 p.m.  Yes, I could complain, but I won’t and here’s why: there are folks flooded out in the south of the state; I have friends who are trapped in their houses by flooded streets.

But I’m high and while I’m not dry…I am safe.  There’s been a lot of lightning and thunder and tons and tons of rain.

My day’s been frittered away with family stuff (phone calls), checking in on folks via Facebook, and then I’ve buckled down to get stuff done.  It is STILL raining and there’s a leak in my garage and another under a door…but I’m still here.

That is enough for which to be thankful.

So, after a long day during which I completely ignored my Gear S2’s nagging to get up and move, I thought it was time for a Friday’s Cocktail:


A very interesting Clementine Sour (the recipe calls for bourbon, but I only had rye, as well as Solerno instead of Grand Marnier or Curacao) and I had no Amaretto so substituted a drop of almond extract, figuring the booze level from everything else would be just fine.

It was.  Nicely done.



Day 1: 4326         Day 11: 2500       Day 21: 1800
Day 2: 2085         Day 12: 500        Day 22: 0
Day 3: 3011         Day 13: 1000       Day 23: 2700
Day 4: 2652.        Day 14: 3700
Day 5: 3210         Day 15: 5630
Day 6: 3450         Day 16: 1060
Day 7: 0               Day 17: 130
Day 8: 2756         Day 18: 0
Day 9: 4580         Day 19: 3000
Day 10: 2670       Day 20: 2600

Blog Post:


What I’m Watching:

Not a danged thing. Gym closed; barely moved my butt from the chair once I’d finished with family phone calls and it became apparent that we weren’t going anywhere.


What I’m Reading:

That anthology. Yeah, yeah, still. I’ve got to get done, though.  Proposal due in less than five days, and I have other stuff to do in life.


What I’m Listening to;

Didn’t get in the car.  Didn’t listen to Audible.  But I did listen to about half of the third episode of Serial.  I’m still trying to decide where this thing is going.  I don’t find it as compelling as the first season, and there are all sorts of references to the military that piss me off.

That is, I’m very pro-military. Sorry, but I served.  Sometimes the reporter just totally ticks me  because it is clear that she’s coming from this privileged background that’s completely dismissive of the military.  In fact, I got an email from a fan who’s thinking of joining up in the AF National Guard, and she’s coming to me for some advice, words of wisdom. I find that I want to both be true to the military–in a good way–but make sure that she knows what she’s signing up for.  Look, you don’t go into the military because you like the uniform.  You go into the military understanding that your job, if even several steps removed, is to kill and be prepared to be killed.  That’s the job.)

So Sarah Koenig’s ignorance and arrogance grates sometimes.

Tomorrow: words and yet more words, and then I have to get cracking on the next assignment for my covers workshop AND I gotta come up with a proposal.

And a kid’s coming to visit end of next week.

So, like….OMG.

Author: Ilsa

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