Category: Uncategorized
And about to become much quieter. THE DAY So the last two days have been spent reevaluating just where this writing in the dark is taking me. (Have I mentioned how much I dislike NOT working from an outline?) I…
Say what you want. Be as against Clinton as much as you want. But, as a woman, I’m thrilled that a major party has finally, finally put up a woman as their presidential candidate. Yes, I know; there’s still the convention. But…
THE DAY So some of that fun is with the writing and some with a bunch of Facebook folks who finally convinced me to give Dr. Who a try. I know: trivial, right? But here’s the thing. We ALL need…
And not much happened on the writing front even though I took the Surface along. THE DAY I know other writers can work in hotel rooms and on the road. I’ve done this myself when I was on tour and…
Other than work. THE DAY You know, I always have a tough time getting started again after time away, even if that time’s spent thinking about writing. Or it might just be that what I think of as being good just doesn’t read very…
Or the reservation, take your pick. THE DAY In brief, I worked Friday and Saturday. Friday, I got a little bogged down with having to arrange for the husband’s birthday stuff at the last minute (not my fault, but you…
For a disastrous day, that didn’t happen. THE DAY Maybe my expectations were a little lower this morning than normal since I knew I had to do a ton of errands I couldn’t put off any longer. (Well, one was…
THE DAY Not terrifically exciting, really. As I said yesterday, I’ve been telling myself the story instead of truly writing/showing what’s going on, which meant that, today, I worked hard to show and not tell. Showing is harder than you…
THE DAY(S) Ever have those moments when you’re reading what you’ve written and realized, heck, you’re telling rather than showing? I can say that it’s much worse when that happens after several thousands of words and days. OTOH, you could say that…
THE DAY(S) So I see I haven’t written here for a few days. Mostly, it’s that I’ve nothing amazing to say, I guess, though I was keeping this mainly for myself, to see what I’ve been up to, chart my progress, all…